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Writer's pictureZach Holderness

Round 1 Summer 2018 | Arequipa, Peru

My first round of Peru is complete, finishing the first leg of my summer feels so surreal. I feel like I just got here! God has moved mightily in this city and with this Church. ComunidadChristianadeArequipa what an amazing church with amazing leadership. Thank you Pastors Daniel and Leslie for welcoming me into your ministry and giving me opportunities to encourage the Body of Christ here in Peru.

In my 3 weeks here in Arequipa I have preached 15 messages to over 1,200 people, facilitated 16 worship times for over 4,500 people, conducted 7 kids & youth services for 350 young people, and put on a worship seminar for 50+ worship leaders. All of this for a combined 200 hours of ministry hours served and more than 6,500 people impacted. Plus 7 one on one salvations! GLORY TO GOD. We aren't sure how many kids accepted Christ in the Youth service but we know that there were quite a few! He is doing amazing things in and through this church and I am honored to have been with these awesome people for the past 3 weeks! Now I am off to Brazil where I will be participating in 21Project put on by the Dunamis movement in Sao Paulo Brazil! 

I have been in Brazil for just 2 days and it has already been incredible. My first day I felt the Lord telling me to just take a day to rest, I needed a Sabbath to reconnect and to take care of my health. I had been lacking sleep for the past few days and it was amazing to be able to rest and refocus. 

In Sao Paulo yesterday I met some new friends, Eric, and Gabriel we were able to watch the Brazil game together along with my host Thomas with about 100 Brazilians in a mall. It was one of the funnest sporting events I have ever experienced watching on TV. Afterwards I went with Eric to the center in Sao Paulo and we were basically just walking around praying for people and talking to them about Jesus on the subways and in the mall. 

Later that night I got to meet up with some of the people that are going to be in 21Project with me and we had an awesome time getting to know each other and hearing peoples stories. BUT God wanted to move and so we started praying and Gods Spirit fell HARD in the house! We were worshipping and praying and people were crying from receiving from God's love! The next day we got a message from the girl who hosted us, she lives with her parents,  and they aren't saved and the presence of God was so strong in their house that they were pretty impacted! So we know that God used us to show her parents just how real God is and how his presence can impact a place in a special way! 

I realized I haven't told all of you this yet but there has been a change in Itenerary for my trip! It happened a few weeks ago and everything was just going so fast that I forgot that I didn't update you all! 


I got a call from the co founder of the ministry, and he needed me to be a part of the missionary team being sent from 21Project. They needed someone fluent in English (CHECK) and someone who is a worshipper (CHECK). But the trip they need me to be a part of is actually to Scandinavia. After prayer and much confirmation from the Lord I knew it was what he required of me. Immediately He provided all of the funds needed for the trip! PRAISE. 

SO, I will be in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden. Starting of July 16th and going until July 31st. I am BLOWN AWAY by God's goodness and his faithfulness. I am honored to serve him in this way to a part of the world that is really searching and seeking hope in their lives and in their nations. Please be in prayer for me, not only to Brazil but now Scandinavia as well. 

I am so excited for this next part of this amazing trip. Jesus thank you for all you have done and thank you for your continued partnership in advancing YOUR kingdom. I love doing life with you. Viva Brazil

Thank you all for your prayers and support throughout this time! LOVE Y'ALL!

- Zach (Founder, President)


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